Community Event

HSP Presidential Election 2024-2025

Your voice and representation is important. Please come vote for your next HSP president who will help shape the future of our Hmong community!

Voting is crucial as it empowers individuals to actively participate in shaping the future of their community and influencing decisions that directly impact their lives. In the context of the Hmong Southeast Puavpheej organization, every vote holds significance as it determines the direction and priorities of the organization. By casting your vote, you contribute to the collective voice that guides the organization's initiatives, policies, and representation. Your participation ensures that the Hmong community's diverse perspectives are considered, fostering inclusivity and democratic principles within the organization. Ultimately, voting is a powerful tool for community members to collaboratively work towards shared goals and advocate for positive change.

Please join us for this event on December 16th 2023 at the Burke County Fairgrounds between 10AM and 2PM.

145 Bost Road, Morganton, NC 28655